
Sound Insulation is a technique where in various absorbent materials are strategically used to absorb sound to avoid unwanted reflected sound waves within a room or space. The main benefit of this technique is to reduce reverberation control as well as echo control within a space. There are two rating methods prominently used across the world. In simple words, it’s a process whereby sound energy is converted into heat, leading to reduction into sound pressure level (SPL). This is a property of the material, which allows it to absorb the sound energy.

The first one is NRC (Noise Reduction Coefficient) which is defined as part of America Standards and majorly used within United State. The rating is unitless and since it is a coefficient, it ranges from 0 to 1. The Second one Weighted Insulation Coefficient which is denoted by Greek letter ‘α’. and defined as part of ISO Standards and used prominently across the world. Similar to NRC, the rating is unitless, and ranges from 0 to 1.


Ceilings are very important to absorb the sound in any of the room. Sound travel in a wave form and most of the reflections hit the ceiling first. Ceiling help to dampen the sound to the utmost. Ceiling tiles are common now a days as most of the people install the ceilings for the purpose of decorations or for the fixation of the lighting arrangements. But, the very important element which is always ignored while installing the ceiling tiles are the acoustic requirements.

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Whenever we think of soundproofing of walls, this become very important to identify that for which purpose, we want to soundproof the walls. Whether you want to stop the sound transmission coming from your neighbor’s house or whether you want to improve the quality of sound / speech clarity within your space, such as studio or home theater or a room for watching Television. There are two kinds of the wall panels, first type of panel is called blockers which means they block the sound, in other words they will increase the blocking value of your existing walls and stop the sound transmission travelling from outside to your house.

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The sound transmission from the ceiling and floor is very common now a days. This is a very common problem in the multistory building. Every person who is living in a multistory building would have come across the problem of the sound transmission from the floor of the family residing on the upper story. The sounds like footsteps, dragging of furniture, and other sounds like dropping something heavy are very normal the person living on below floor is forced to hear. These sounds are called Impact noise which travels freely through the air and the ceiling below. Impact noise is also known as footfall noise. As the name implies, this noise is produced from the impact of an object on the floor. Examples are Naturally, impact noise affects the person living below the floor more than it would affect the person living on the same floor. Floors are not only the source for sound transmission, but these are rich source for the vibrations also.

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Pollution Absorbing Panel

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Acoustic Window

Acoustic windows are necessity in the spaces likes Recording Studios, Music Rooms, Audiometry rooms, observation rooms and at many more places. Sound pollution is increasing day by day and destroying the lives of the people in homes also. Increasing traffic sounds, airborn sounds, aircrafts sound, noises from parks, schools are making the lives critical day by day. We mean to say that things are getting louder and people are becoming more sensitive. With the increasing work pressures, the people want to be in a soundproof environment to have a restful time.

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Acoustic Door

Acoustic wooden doors are extremely high-performance sound reducing doors and are specially manufactured for the spaces where high insulation is required. Studios, Multiplexes, Banquet halls, Hotel Rooms, Meeting Rooms, Board Rooms are some of the examples where these high-performance acoustic doors are installed due to the simple reason all these spaces need proper sound insulation. But, today, with the increased noise pollution i.e. traffic sounds, children’s sound from school, excessive sounds coming from park, aircraft sound etc.

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